Adopting the most fascinating tradition―Dreamcatcher, this tribe footwear is designed to share with you the best wishes in the world. The painted dreamcatcher is intended to protect the sleeping you from nightmares through getting them caught up in the web and expired when the first rays of the sun struck them, and it will let sweet dreams slip through the hole in the center of the dreamcatcher, and glide down the feathers to the sleeping person below.
When giving a dreamcatcher as a gift to your sweeties, you share the legend and blessings of the dreamcatcher. So, with the primitive and cozy dreamcatcher and noble colors―white for purity and purple for elegance, Our UIN footwear presents you and your lovers the most heartfelt blessings.
Unmatching Painted Shoe Design
A true footwear masterpiece that will have you looking chic and unique
I purchased three pair and wear them on special outings or with matching color outfits. They are roomy enough to wear with or without socks or footies. They are unique and not seen worn in general.